Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pumpkin's meme

   Pumpkin is Dawn's daughter. She made up her own meme. It's the current rage in J-land. Far be it from me to ignore a bandwagon. Herewith, find my responses to Pumpkin's meme.

1   What's your favorite movie???

   Definitely not 300. That freaking sucked. I'm serious, if you're standing in the video store, and you can't think of anything to rent, and your significant other comes up to you with 300 in his or her hand, and says, "what about this?" Take my advice. Just gouge your eyes out right there in the store. Use your fingernails, your car keys, whatever is to hand. It's a far, far better thing than watching that pitiful excuse for a movie.
   So, my favourite? Gotta be The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I know, that's three movies. So the first one, The Fellowship of the Ring. Yep, that's my fave.

2    What's your favorite color???

   Blue. I guess.

3    What's your favorite ice cream flavor???

   Rolo. Mmm, Rolo!

4    Where do you want to go on vacation??


5    What's your favorite animal???

   Black panther.

6    What's your favorite T.V. show???

   Hmmm, of all time, or currently on? Current, I'm guessing Pumpkin meant. So, Battlestar Galactica, followed closely by Heroes. Neither of which I get a chance to watch on a regular basis. ::pout::

7    What's your fav. drink???

   Right now it's a mixture of mango punch and cranberry cocktail. But I might get sick of that soon and go back to hard scotch on cold rocks.

8    What's your favorite flower???

   Marigolds. They keep the ants away from the tomatoes.

9    What's your favorite pet???

   Shadow. Duh!

10   What's your favorite book???

   It'snot a Harry Potter book. Sorry to disappoint you, Pumpkin. I usually answer this question with Tigana, by Guy Gavriel Kay. Maybe you can read it when you get a few years older.



Anonymous said...

Maybe she can read Kay when she gets older!  LOL  I will show her your meme and let her comment on it tomorrow.  She will probably yell at you for the remark about alcohol!  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...


Thank you for doing my meme.  You shouldn't drink alcohol, it's bad for you.  I like your dog, Shadow.  My mom has shown me his picture!  Black panthers are a very cool animal.  I don't know what rolo ice cream is - maybe we don't have it here in the US.  Canada is one of my favorite countries, and it was the first place I ever went outside the US.

Love, Pumpkin

be well,

Anonymous said...

Two things:

1.  Why does question 4 only have two question marks and all the others have three??  That just doesn't seem fair.

2.  300 totally did NOT suck.  I went out and BOUGHT the DVD when it came out.  So there.  That's how entertained I was and am by it.  I think I possess the relatively unique ability to truly appreciate good, artisitic cinematic work, and also to turn off whatever filter that material passes through and have a rolicking good time in an eye-candy gore-fest.  In fact, the only way that 300 could have been any better than it was is if the main ensemble had been comprised of 300 totally hot Spartan chicks who fought in leather bikinis.


Anonymous said...

  You are correct, Simon. If they had cast the Swedish bikini team, and the Budweiser girls, and several Hooters waitresses, the acting would have been significantly better.

Anonymous said...


I loved the 300... I did annoy my hubby throughout the entire movie pointing out the historical inaccuracies and where they took huge leaps into fiction, HOWEVER, I thought it was good!  Like a rock video history movie.  Cool!  

One thing that really annoyed me is that each Spartan decorated his shield with his own symbol of choice.  In the movie they were uniform.  Duh...

be well,

Anonymous said...

"Like a rock video history movie."

  Maybe that's my problem. I haven't seen all that many rock videos that have impressed me either. I guess asking for an actual storyline is too much these days.

Anonymous said...

How much of a story line would you have expected from a movie like this?!

A small, wicked-awesome and totally righteous country is threatened by a huge, evil, malevolent hoard of mutated illegal immigrants hell-bent on Borg-esque assimilation, led by an androgynous man-giant.  The selfless king of the aforementioned wicked-awesome country goes against established religious doctrine and, with a small force of the most elite and hard-bodied warriors in his army - who have willingly joined him in defiance of the establishment - wreak havoc among the throngs of enemy forces thrown futilely against his defensive position, ostensibly because of superior fighting skill, but really because they are all so much better looking and overwhelmingly righteous than the foe.  Then all the good guys die at the end as martyrs to cause the whole awesome country to rise up and wipe the hoard of illegal immigrants off the face of the Earth.

If you were expecting a story line any deeper than THAT, well, that was your first mistake.  I expect good story lines from movies too, I just didn't expect one from this movie.


Anonymous said...

But it is a representation of an amazing story that has survived thousands of years!  The 'story' of what happened at that pass at Thermopylae to those Spartans has been passed down and retold, generation by generation.  It is about honor and bravery and not backing down... And about leadership.  Leonides must have been a hell of man for his men to stick with him in that way.

And what happened there did sway the Greek states to work together better (eventually) and kick the persians back out of Greece.

Okay... done defending it... however, I will say this.  I actually loved the 2 hour history channel special more.  

be well,

Anonymous said...

What?  You have time to come and be Beavis about my BJ mention but no time to consider this?  LOL

Miss you posting more... hope Shadow, wife and son are good.  :-)

be well,

Anonymous said...

Ge, I've never even considered watching 300 until now. We're talking sweaty, half-clothed men? 300 of 'em?! YeeHawww!! --Cin

Anonymous said...

I was going to say how I simply cannot BELIEVE that YOU didn't like "300"--and then I got to thinking about the whole men with 8-packs running around in leather panties and I got it.