Sunday, September 11, 2005

The now of it all

   I looked at my watch today, for the date, instead of the time. I'm not sure why. If I'd only just thought about it a little bit, I would have realized that I'm leaving for a three week vacation in Italy tomorrow, and I've been telling absolutely everyone for weeks that my departure date is September 12th. But I didn't think about it that way. I just glanced at the little window on my watch that tells the date. It said, "SUN|11."

It is September 11th.

   Now, I'm not a very sentimental person. I have never attended a 9/11 memorial. Never really even thought about it before. I'm one of those guys who say, "isn't it about time they stopped playing America The Beautiful at baseball games now?" But, when I glanced at my watch this morning, and realized what the date was, I had a sudden pause.
   On September 11th, 2001, thousands of men and women kissed their families good morning, poured themselves a cup of coffee, and left for work, just as they did every morning. They were just regular people going about their regular lives. Like you. Like me.

   And then a group of insane people flew out of the sky and ended their lives.
   And I had this thought: 
Total death toll in World Trade Center disaster-
Total American Death toll in Iraq War to date-1896  (if you add other coalition troops, that number reaches 2093)
Estimated Iraqi death toll-somewhere between
24,680 and 27,930
Amount of credible evidence that Iraq had anything at all to do with the September 11th terrorist attacks-




Somewhere, Osama Bin Laden is laughing.


Anonymous said...

Yep! Now you have me worried better tell us your flight so we can make sure you landed safely! And your return!

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, my paster made much the same point this morning, to kids who are mostly too young toclearly remember what happened found years ago today.

Have a safe, enjoyable trip full of excitement, adventure and really wild things! (Safe, but wild!)


Anonymous said...

Dearest Paul,
Sigh... It is a horrible date for mankind...
sigh..please be safe and careful when you and your family go abroad. We will be thinking of you.
reguards, natalie

Anonymous said...

Yes, Paul, "zero" evidence that they are/were linked.  Yes, Osama is laughing somewhere.

But most important is the thing that you did this am first.  You REMEMBERED.  That is the most important thing.  Not to forget, to always remember.  Our world was different on 9/10/01 than the world after 8:46am 9/11/01.  Very different.

I think many are like you and think the songs can end at the ball games.  

You have the luxury I guess to not have a palpable reminder of that day out your window, each and every day.  Every day, I kiss my hubby and send him to NYC and worry.  Every day we look at that skyline and see the void.

Everyday we remember.  

Please visit my journal if you have time for my Memorial.

Be well,

Anonymous said...

Have a safe, fun and interesting trip Paul. Take a few pictures to share with those of us stranded at home.
Take Care

Anonymous said...

You've added something to your thought-process over the past year, and we're all the richer for it.  Thank you!  CATHY 9/11/06