Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Other blogs I read

Ruddy Inc. Somebody by the name of Peter Lynn signed up for some online info under the unlikely alias of Ruddy Ruddy, and here chronicles the avalance of interesting correspondence that ensued.

Pinkerton's weblog. Jay Pinkerton is a funny guy. That is all.

The adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century. In the About This Blog section, Mr. Joey DeVilla writes: Back in high school, after reading Space-Time and Beyond for the umpteenth time and drinking one too many zombies with my friend Henry Dziarmaga, we came up with the theory that in the infinite set of universes -- the multiverse -- there was one particular universe in [which] what happened to us right here was being watched as a TV show over there. We then made a solemn vow to live in such a way that we kept our ratings up. To this end, Mr. DeVilla decided that, henceforth, his trusty accordion would always accompany him in public. No word on if he's gotten laid yet. This guy used to live across the street from me...


... I got nothin'.

RobotMonkeyBoy. My brother-in-law. Nice guy. Honest.

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