The above graph shows visitors to my journal during the period June 11 to July 7, 2005. June 24th was the Friday I was featured on the main journals page as the weekly Guest Editor. July 1st is the following Friday, on which day my spot in the limelight was usurped by Felicia.
So tell me, are readers just fickle, or is my blog boring? Perhaps this random bolding will liven things up a bit. What do you think, more interesting? No, I didn't think so.
All in all, it was an interesting week. I received hundreds of comments and e-mails, many of which I am still trying to catch up on replying to. As you can see from the graph, I averaged well over 250 unique visitors per day for the week; more than a fivefold increase in my daily traffic. Early returns indicate my regular traffic may be up from an average of 40 hits per day before my Guest Editorship, to about 50 hits per day now. I hope I can live up to the pressure of being unboring to 25% more people than I'm used to.
It was interesting to look at the stats for those visitors over the course of the week. In addition to cities from all across the US and Canada I received hits from:
Caloundra, Melbourne, Sydney and other Australian cities.
Milano, Bologna, Roma, and other Italian cities.
London, Sheffield, Wolverhampton, and other English cities.
Dublin, Ireland.
Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia.
Yigo, Guam.
Mazowieckie, Poland.
Essen, Germany.
Doha, Qatar.
unknown locations in France.
Several Caribbean Islands.
Also notable were some of the domains from which I received visits:
the FAA
WGRZ TV, Buffalo
County of Riverside, California
Universita' Di Pisa, Italy
Memorial University of Newfoundland
University of Arkansas
University of Iowa
Milwaukee County Gov't
Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto
9th communications squadron, Beale Afb, California
Oakland unified school district, Oakland, California
State center community college district, Fresno, California
US department of defense, Washington, D.C.
I suspect the numerous hits from University ISPs were partially due to one of my posts being featured on the skeptics' circle that weekend. This week's skeptics' circle went up yesterday, by the way. Head on over and check it out for a collection of skeptical blogging from the last two weeks.
OK, so you're saying, "how in blazes do you know all of that stuff about where your site visitors are from, Paul?" Well, I'll tell ya. <~~(Pretend you can hear my John Wayne impersonation as you read that.) I have an external counter attached to my site from StatCounter. Take a look over there in my left sidebar. At the bottom of my about me section you will see a six digit number. That is my stat counter.
"But, Paul," you ask further, "why is that number different than the number on your AOL counter?" The answer to that is that the AOL counter counts every single page load on your journal, including your own visits. If you are the kind of blogger that edits your articles mercilessly, like I do, you may notice that your counter goes up five or six digits just from editing and saving the page several times.
I have my StatCounter counter set to record only unique visitors. What that means, is that once a person visits my journal once, the counter will not register them again unless they go away for more than six hours. In addition, it does not register my own visits to my blog, so that number more closely approximates the real traffic here.
But wait! Popular wisdom around the J-Land community has it that external counters take up so much space that they use up your whole about me section. How is it that I have a bunch of other stuff in there? Simple. Most of the external counters use javascript code. AOL's journal interface does not support the addition of external javascripts, so what you end up with is a mish mash of code that appears too large for the about me section's 1000 character limit. StatCounter offers an html only versionof a counter that easily fits.Sure, it doesn't track some of the more esoteric stats, like referral pages, or search engine string referrals, but it does do the things I have described above. Fun, huh?
One last thing before I head off to bed, where I really should be already. In my Guest Editor article, I mentioned the concept of blog carnivals, like the Skeptics' Circle. I'm thinking of starting an AOL Journals blog carnival. Not a themed one, like the Skeptics' Circle, or the Tangled Bank, but a general Carnival of the Vanities. The concept is simple. Got a blog entry that you are particularly proud of, but hasn't been widely noticed by the community? The Carnival of the Vanities would be a showcase to get it out to a wider audience. Once every two weeks or so, I would put out a call for submissions, and you would send me a link to the entry you'd like showcased. Then, I would do a blog entry listing all of the articles submitted with links to them.
What do you guys think, are you interested in taking part? Let me know in comments, or in e-mail.
Well, thats looking pretty fancy and detailed. I'm glad you explained your technology to those of us, I'll kindly name "technically challenged," meaning me. I don't know if random bolding is the key, I would lean more towards the fickle/readers aspect. For me personally, if I found your journal boring, I wouldn't have been coming back and reading probably every entry you've posted. I'm just not the best at leaving comments everytime, but when the alert comes across, I visit. Honestly, I would lean towards the direction that the majority of journalers I come across are woman, and they may not appreciate, or participate on the same level as your writing or topics. <Insert apology if I offend anyone with that line> Thats just my two cents. I see no need for bolding or fancy fonts I find those distracting to good writing anyway, just keep writing with your unique style and wit and us loyal readers will continue to enjoy your words.
I forgot to mention, I think the concept of a Carnival of the Vanities is a wonderful idea. I've come across many wonderful entries people have posted, yet they have only 1 or 2 comments and their writing or the topic deserves much more attention.
And thats my 3 cents worth........
I came back here to post another comment to the pirate entry and HARK! A new entry. How nice. It's too bad people won't stop by more often. I don't find your blog boring, and considering your alot smarter then me and are on a whole different blogging level, thats saying alot if you can get big important-ish things across to my mind. Even when you use big words. If you decide to give this 'blogging' carnival a go, I could think of a few submissions. A few entries from the warm and fuzzy spot before anyone was even reading that journal could be worthy of submission, and I'm quite proud of the entry on my 2nd journal that I freestyled on about childhood. I could easily re-post that to my public spot for more viewers. Just because I like the way it came out. But give it a try, it could be...amusing. lol.
<3 Rachel
Oh! That other comment
Kramer: "But you said you'd wear the puffy shirt!"
Jerry: "But I dont wanna be a pirate!"
Hmmm, Carnival of the Vanities? Very interesting!
I just don't know if my ego will fit in it, though. I guess I could just squeeze it really hard.
It's two in the morning and I have no clue what I'm saying anymore.
I think you have a wonderful journal, if you want to know.
Paul, I love the idea of the Carnival of the Vanities....I have used my own jourmal to reach out to a wider audience to read what I considered an important entry by another author. I can see where this venue would suffice.Yhis is exactly why I said in a word DRILLIANT! courtenay
One more case you did not know ... as adorable as Shadow is, the reason I visit your blog and sometimes several times is because when I come here I learn something new! At my age that is difficult...I now have Stat Counter installed on my journal which I had no idea existed prior to reading your entry. Thanks for sharing! cmp
Now that's pretty cool. And a great idea too! ~ Lori
Paul, I thought only I would chart things like that. A few years ago when the horsefarm next to us was razed to build a subdivision, my garage was invaded my displaced mice. I set up a half dozen traps and charted the daily "kills" to make sure the problem was getting better, not worse. They were gone in 2-3 weeks but somewhere I still have that graph, lol.
Thanks for the info on the counter. I'm going to get one of those:)
I'd be interested in that sort of Carnival idea. Providing, of course, you're open to more than just your fellow J-Landers!
Wow on the graph!! And congratulations on boring 25% more people!! Love the carnival idea, but I think non-aoler's should not be allowed unless they are willing to do the hokey pokey on a live feed first! ( So there, Simon!) ;) Penny
So why is the US Department of Defense visiting Paul? Hmmmmmmm..... inquiring minds want to know. Just wanted to pop by and give you a little love. judi
I like the Boring Blog Carinval idea, really! Its positively boring!
No, actually I think its positively fantastic!
I LOVE the idea!!!!!!!!!
Paul, do you pay for your counter to get that??
And I think it's a great idea Paul!
It sounds like a great idea. Oh, and I love my new counter!
kinda like my "succulent wisdom" journal - only expanded, wouldn't you say -
only a handful of people ever submit nuggets to me - i wish more would...
where my nuggets are mere snapshots - the carnival of vanities would be the whole photoalbum...
good idea -
That's a good amount of hits. Too bad each of them didn't leave a comment. I had one comment today from someone advertising their porn site. I guess that's better than none.
Great idea, Paul. I'm sure there are lots of really good unnoticed entries out there. I'm looking forward to seeing some of them, as well as submitting a few things, myself. Tina
Great idea!
I will never stop visiting your blog
ps...thanks for the reality check that my 15 minutes will crash and burn too!
I like your journal and do drop in on occasion..I don't always comment unless I feel a need to. I read a lot of journals and like to balance the thoughts of women and men.....I think your idea to start a Blogathon is cool...I like that name Carnival of the Vanities...I would join in, let me know if you are going to do it...Sandi
Sounds like a great idea :-)
I'm in!
Well, I found this post VERY interesting, indeed, and I may have to think about an external counter, just for....oh, I dunno, just because.
I may not write anything of absolute, 'you gotta go here and read this' value, but I would certainly enjoy visiting other journals through your Carnivaol of the Vanities! So, I'm least for reading.
Hello.....Your journal is quite boring....just kidding ha, ha, ha. I am a new reader of your journal and its a nice one. You are also funny by the way. Don't worry your journal won't need CPR at all. I'm sure you will find that I might drop by often and keep you on your toes.....I might just stretch that graph of yours to the point where it starts demanding vacation time and days off...I'm kidding....
Hello again.....I might just send your graph skyrocketing off the charts with the numerous visits I do. Your blog is..........AAAAAAAHhhhhhh I'm already yawning, just kidding ha, ha, ha. Your blog is great. Here I am again sending you a note to let you know that I have read your journal and I am one of your newest readers. Are you laughing yet ????
Good evening....Yes here I am again.....With all of the visits I do here at your journal your graph will soon be requesting some time off to rest. I have come back for another read. Inform your readers that they better hurry and read your journal before your graph goes nuts with counting the numerous times I come to visit. I will be back for another read so they better hurry and go for a visit before I do. As you can tell your graph is about skyrocket once more. Your blog is informative and helpful and interesting all wrapped up into one. You can now include Georgia as one of your visitors. I am a new fan of your blog so inform your readers of that fact.......
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