Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The girl is hot (tonight)

   Tee's been on a bit of a meme creation blitz recently. Here's the latest:

   It's called National Carry Your Camera Everywhere You Go Week. Or something like that. I suspect that graphic was originally an animated gif image that has stopped working. Although I could be wrong. I know it's never happened before, but theoretically speaking, it's not out of the realm of possibility that I could be wrong about something.
details are to be found at Tee's place. Go there. Now.


A note: The image above should have a white background with black lettering on it saying "National Carry Your Camera Everywhere You Go Week." I don't see that in the AOL browser, but I do see it if I view this entry with Firefox. What do you see?


Anonymous said...

And, an easy way to remember it is NTYCEYGW, or....  ehh...  


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pimpin' Paul. Are you going to start charging me an agents fee?

Anonymous said...

Dan should have clarified that the acronym is pronounced "naughty see, gee, woah!"


Anonymous said...

I'm so doing this.
I was just thinking about it today--How I could do like a "photo doc" of "what heather does in one day." ha ha ha ha.
i'll start tonight, and finish out the week.
tee is a genius.

Anonymous said...

For me that's every week.  That's why I can't get my camera fixed - it's like asking Linus to give up is blanket. - Karen

Anonymous said...

That's weird... a camera you say?  And black text?

I see some sort of animated GIF of a flaming head of Satan and he's eating an entire burlap sack of live kittens.  What the hell's up with that, Paul?!
