Saturday, January 1, 2005

The best of AWV, 2004

Kelly (among many others, I'm sure) has posted a list of his favourite blog entries over the past year. I haven't even been doing this for a year yet, but I thought I'd do the same. Here, for your amusement, are the Top Ten Aurora Walking Vacation Journal Entries Of 2004.

Number 10: from Sunday 12 December;
Weekend Assignment #38. I'm kinda partial to old Beauregard the Christmas Beetle.

Number 9: from Friday 15 October;
Weekend Assignment #29. There's no writing here, but this entry got more comments than any other in my journal. Go figure.

Number 8: from Thursday 25 November;
The writing is on the car. Another entry that isn't about writing at all. The Awwww factor is the thing here.

Number 7: from Tuesday 14 September and Thursday 16 September;
The Law Of Internet Invocation, and Invocation revisited. It may be just a cheap device to squeeze an extra entry in, but these two pretty much go together.

Number 6: from Monday 20 September;
Two things. Sensible advice for a modern age, and a sad little family story.

Number 5: from Friday 1 October;
The internet and you... and me. More talk about masks.

Number 4: fromThursday 2 September;
Critical thinking, or lack thereof. Sometimes people believe strange things.

Number 3: from Wednesday 20 October;
What should I write about? An age old question.

Number 2: from Thursday 7 October;
My favourite month. This was supposed to be a weekend assignment.

And the number 1 Aurora Walking Vacation Journal Entry for the year 2004: from Monday 6 September;
Thoughts of the future. Well, it's my favourite, anyway.

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