Thursday, April 27, 2006

A proclamation

   Hear ye, hear ye! Be it known that on this the twenty-seventh day of April, in the year two thousand and six, there has been published at the renowned online journal, Science and Politics, owned by the inestimable Bora Zivkovic, of the North Carolina Zivkovic's, the thirty-third edition of that most respected and rational blog carnival known as The Skeptics' Circle. All those respected denizens of this blogosphere who have an interest in skepticism and critical thinking are hereby invited to undertake to click on the supplied links, and, having thereby transitioned to the blogs in question, to read the most excellent writings to be found therein.

   Also, be it known that the Lord and Master of this demense,
Flat Paulsie, having perused the aformentioned blog carnival, and finding it not, doth hereby call to your attention the blog article entitled Angry Atheists, at the blog named Unscrewing the Inscrutable, written by the incomparable Brent Rasmussen, and doth state with no equivocation that he is also in accord with the motto of the heretofore mentioned blog, that being: "I'm not angry, I just don't agree with you." It is the considered and respected opinion of Flat Paulsie that all persons who believe in God, or a God should, with all possible haste and alacrity, journey forth to said blog article and read of it all that can be gleaned and understood.

   This proclamation, by the Lord and Master of this demense, the honoured and respected Flat Paulsie, shall be here posted until such time as ten more proclamations, or articles, or other such blog entries shall be posted, so as to push this blog entry off the front page of this online journal. Be it so.

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Anonymous said...

A rather cogent article of Brent's, which would have been more so if he hadn't adopted the condescending tone that he accused theists of having.  Which I took to be intentional on his part.  His goad of referring to atheists as " rational folks..." was particularly smirk-worthy.  Belief in or denial of the existence of a god neither precludes nor proves rationality.

Where theism purports nothing more than the existence of a god - any god - Brent seems to ascribe many stereotypes of organised religious doctrine to theism in general.  Perhaps nothing more than a matter of semantics on his part, but a significant one from my perspective.  I long ago eschewed organised religion while holding firm to my belief in a supreme being: a Creator, Weaver, Brewmaster, what have you.  Religion gets my ambivalence at the best of times and at others borders on contempt.

I believe in God as firmly as atheists deny Her existence.  I also do not hold truck with religious doctrine that attempts to encapsulate God in any way.

And that's all I have to say about that for now, else I'll be here all day, and my comments are restricted to 2000 characters.  DOWN WITH ATHEIST COMMENTS DESPOTS!!!


Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I'm going to have to come back later when I get some more time to read your links. I'm actually agnostic. I've been called "wishy-washy by agnostics and worse by Christians:)~

Anonymous said...

Paul, this was beautifully written. I am impressed.

Anonymous said...

I have befriended a Welshman, and now's just too much!



Anonymous said...

PS: regarding the Sceptic...not that not only are the North Carolinians a beautiful people, we attract such to our best universities.  ;)
